Saturday, February 07, 2004

FCC and EPA?

Is anyone else getting the irony of the business friendly Republicans fining Clear Channel for airing the infantile indecency of Howard Stern while refusing to fine mercury polluters in the name of being business friendly? If you don’t want to listen to Howard Stern, and you have my complete support if you don’t, you simply don’t turn on your radio. If you don’t want to breathe or eat mercury…well, you’re kind of stuck aren’t you since breathing is a fundamental civil right.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Groin Pull

Yeah for the internet! Even though I’m only walking I keep getting a recurrent groin pull. For such a little thing, it’s kinda irritating. Typed “groin pull cause” in my google toolbar (another miracle) and was instantly helped. There were some pictures, and helpful advice

within 3 clicks. I found the bit about putting a pad in my shoe most useful. We’ll see if that works.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004



I’m sorry to say that in spite of my disdain for the registration process at, I’ve gone back frequently to read stuff there. Tell me that Antigone is not relevant today as we’re confronted with a variety of stubborn, stiff-necked politicians who refuse to compromise. Follow the law! No, follow morality! Law…morality…law…morality! Okay, let’s sentence one to die, and that act kills the law’s family members…oops misery for all.