Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sick again

Started feeling bad Friday night, another weekend ruined. The cold started when I was in a meeting with my boss and she coughed about every 5 minutes. Bummer. I'll be doing the same when I go in tomorrow. There has to be a better plan.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

PMO talk by Thom Pryor- Notes


  • EDD PMO (IT)
  • 6 PMPs, 10 staff
Comment: Wow! That's a lot of staff. Why does BOE have so few IT staff in comparison?

He recommends the local MPA Association.

PMO must prove value of PMO staff and for PMO methodology
Methods should be scalable both up and down
Only need to use what's helpful
Enhance org's PM capability

Comment: We struggle with these same issues in our PMO

Tools and Maybe Stuff to Steal?

What's the context to frame portfolio reports?
They have MS Project 2003 and have some training.
He's going to CHP
Customer Service Eval of the PMO help as part of lessons learned
He loves ESI

How many schedules can a scheduler handle? 2 to 4. A large project is 3000 lines

Governance? Yes. It's new. Ha ha. Same story. Execs want control for others but not for their pet project.

Lessons learned DB? No but working on it

Sent from my Treo

Saturday, January 21, 2006

standing on the lake it looks like water but it is ice in the shade of the mountain behind ready to head back wow fabulous sunny weather snow is a little soft trail is great though

Sent from my Treo

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Google Earth

My world has been rocked and is forever changed! I bow down to our new Google Earth overlords!

Friday, January 13, 2006


0. If A and B are in thermodynamic equilibrium and B and C are in thermodynamic equilibrium then A and C are in T.E. Well, this isn't such an exciting law if you ask me.

1. Conservation of energy: can be transferred, can't be created. Mass and energy related.

2. Entropy increases and heat only flows one way (from hot to cold): clocks wind down and you have to add energy (wind them back up) for them to work again.

3. Absolute zero: Remove all kinetic energy from particles and they are at A.Z which is 0 Kelvins. Who was Kelvin?

Brings back some fond memories!

I did find a hint to remind me.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Finally got my new DSL up and running so I can waste time on teh internets faster.

My brother will be so happy.


CNN's list of the soldiers killed in Iraq since the war began. Very, very sad.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Thrilling day so far

I've had coffee, breakfast, and have killed brain cells reading fark.com. I SHOULD be doing some other things (snowshoeing, fixing my curtains) but I have yet to motivate myself to move.

Yesterday went to a dog mobile at the fairgrounds at the KCRA Health Expo. We took Dixie and Sargeant. Although I gave Sarge many, many opportunities to relieve himself, he chose to do it inside on the carpet. It was a little runny, very smelly, copious, and he's one of those dogs who walk around while dropping it so it was arranged in a somewhat deranged semi-circle.

I did my best picking it up with my plastic bags, but it was hideous. I apologized profusely to the staff but was too chicken shit to avoid taking the long way past the small army of people scrubbing the carpet on their hands and knees later. I may never go back!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Power still out

The trees are still down on Elvas. My power is still out and I'm at Tupelo's coffee shop on Elvas because they have free wireless. Yeah.

I've been trying to find out how long the power will be out and I'm not having any luck. SMUD, KCRA, and sacbee have no information that isn't old. Oh well, I can only assume it won't be too long.

I also have to say, it is just too fuckin' cool that I can just boot up and click my browser and *boom* I'm on the net. This kind of thing makes me wish I was born now instead of then.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Sacramento storms and power out

Fortunately my phone line still works. The power has been out most of the day. I left around noon-ish (give or take a couple of hours) and came back around 630-ish and it's still dark. Across the street it's fine.

There are many branches down from the eucalyptus trees on Elvas. Apparently there's a levee break on Twitchell Island in the delta. With no power, I don't know much more about it.

It's cold in the house with the heater off, and I'm a little afraid to go to sleep with the candles lit.

So that's the news from Lake Sacramento.