Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sierra National Forest Scenic Byway 2

Commando and I setting off on the Chiquito Lake Pass trail. Unfortunately, I did not make it even to the lake. Still, it's a good trail and I'd like to do it again with some more time.

Exploring Sierra National Forest Scenic Byway

Over Memorial Day visited the family in Fresno. On Saturday and Sunday drove the Scenic Byway (what a great idea!) and did some hiking and biking.

Great views and no crowds! Here are some highlights:

The Ross Cabin has been moved from its original settler location. Commando caught a lizard and I saw firsthand how great the "lose the tail" defense is. I could see the lizardless tail twitching, but missed the lizard.

Arch Rock is fun, but no need to make a special trip for it.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Grouse Ridge Lookout Hike

Drove up 80 to 20, then took the Bowman Lake road and took a right on the Grouse Ridge road. It was badly rutted. We drove about 6 miles and were finally stopped by some deep snow patches with about 2 miles left to go. Commando and I put on our hiking boots and headed off. The trail (road) goes up, but not too steeply. There were a few snow drifts to cross lower down, then, almost nothing but snow higher up.

We finally reached the saddle summit (but not the lookout, another mile ahead) and ate our snack on a nearby summit, only about 100 feet lower than the lookout.

Spectacular views of the Grouse Lakes and assorted seasonal waterfalls. It was well worth all of the effort!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cutest Dog Ever!

Cutest Dog Ever!

Jodi's Cabin

The cabin is between renters for the weekend so we drove up Friday and left Sunday. Friday did a little stroll along a road that crosses a valley near Royal Gorge. Saturday helped Jodi a little with cabin cleanup and strolled a bit off of Donner Pass Road. It looked like there was a trail from the summit down to Donner Lake, but we weren't able to find the bottom end so just hiked a short bit.

On Sunday we drove along Highway 89 to Henness Pass road and nearby. Hiked up Rice Canyon road and a bit on FS road 41 off of Jackson Meadows reservoir.

On the drive home we took dirt roads around Perrazo Meadow. Commando had a great time running around and chasing varmints. He actually leapt out of the car window to try to catch a lunch chipmunk. Once it had safely gotten into a tree, it mocked him.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Big Trees Trail off Mosquito Road

Commando and I drove onto the Mosquito Road to hike on the Big Trees trail in the El Dorado National Forest. It's a pleasant trail with some very large sugar pines and a few redwoods. I'm a redwood fan, but most of the trees are relatively young and small. It's probably not worth a special trip, but if you're up here, it's a pleasant stroll.