Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weird thistle pictures

Was walking with Commando outside of Davis on just a random walk and started taking some pictures of the weeds. For some reason, I just really like these pictures. I have no idea how the white one got that way

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Not to the Enchanted Pools

Drove up to Wrights Lake and hiked some of the Rockbound trail. I was planning on going to the E.P. but decided at the trail junction to stay on the R.T. It's a nice trail, at least as far as I took it, although I prefer a less sandy surface.

Commando had a great time swimming in Beauty Lake and sniffing things. We met an unfriendly dog and a friendly dog and several overnight hikers.

It's finally drying out although there is still snow on the peaks. Grassy areas in the sun are dry and brown. Grassy areas in more shaded areas (or slightly higher) are still green and filled with wildflowers. I met a couple coming up having just passed through the most beautiful scenic meadow. He was ranting on about statistical analysis and missing the whole point.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trip to Bodega Bay August 2011

On Friday we all arrived at the house on Swan Way. It's a great house and we would definitely "camp" here again. Friday night was the usual drinking and staying up late laughing and talking. Saturday we went to the Sonoma County fair and the races there. It was nice to be at a quiet fair. No long lines for food and the crowds weren't enormous. The turkey races were fun.

Sunday we walked around and visited the Bodega Bay headlands. There may also have been some kite shopping.

Monday we packed up and left. Met Donna and Tami at the Rock Creek casino and lost a few dollars before heading home. Click the picture to see the rest of them.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Something smells good

Harry and Commando going their separate ways

Yolo causeway

This was a walk with Commando and his pal Harry in the Yolo Causeway. We only picked up a few ticks.

Blue lakes to granite lake

A few pictures from my not so successful hike to Granite lake. The snow berms were still at least 8 feet tall in places. The place is beautiful though and not too many people. At one of the closed campgrounds some attractive men were playing frisbee golf. I was hoping they would be stunned by my beauty, but alas, they weren't.

I told them they didn't look drunk enough to be playing frisbee golf. One guy said he was hammered and we all laughed. Brought back memories!

Highland lakes camping August 2011

Just camped for one day somewhere along the Mokelumne River near Highland Lakes. It is a beautiful area and I will be back. The snow has not finished melting and the mosquitos are in heaven. Wildflowers are still blooming. Maybe if I can get a shuttle driver I can hike from H.L. down to Spicer Meadows reservoir before winter.

If you see the picture full screen, try to count the different kinds of flowers growing on the volcanic soil. On either side are two old, inactive volcanoes.

There are a few more pictures on Picasa although they do not do the area any justice.