Friday, April 05, 2019

Commando Chases Waves on the American River Confluence January 2017

Another of the many videos of Commando going completely insane due to waves.

Commando At Wright's Lake May 2018

Commando gets into a bit of trouble but eventually figures out how to get back to dry land.

Commando Shreds (A Pinecone) January 2019

It's not all biting waves for the hound. He also like to bite little bits off stuff and drop it on the ground. Thankfully he doesn't eat the stuff.

Union Valley Reservoir January 2019

Commando LOVES chasing and biting waves. He is a complete goober about it and will chase waves until he's too tired to stand.

Lyons Creek May 2018

Commando is exploring Lyons Creek in our hike May 23, 2018. Beautiful day.

Silver Fork August 2017

Commando exploring Silver Fork creek. Harry is nearby. This was from a small hike August 27, 2017.