Monday, May 29, 2006

Weekend Activity

Saturday cleaned and did chores.

Sunday went for a bike ride with Jodi along the American River. It was a good trip, especially because we stopped at 16th street and took the bus home. It reminded me of when I lived in SF and was jogging. I used to jog from Laguna to Baker Beach and then walk up and catch the 38-Geary home.

Monday I drove up near Cool and Foresthill. I hiked along the Middle Fork of the American River near the Ruck a Chucky camp. The road down was a little fierce for my car, but no broken tie rods and no fluids leaking from holes poked in the bottom by serpentine rock.

Then I drove back and across to the other side of the river. I took Sliger Mine road and exercised my cars suspension system until a dried up mud bed that was way too bumpy stopped me. I did see some sedan type cars below and I'm not sure how they negotiated the obstacle. I guess they just have bigger balls!

I walked down the road a ways to a curve and an abandoned cinder block structure (Sliger Mine?), then headed back.

On the way down I passed two women on the way up. One said to me, "Hiking alone?"

I wanted to give a snarky answer, "No, Harry the Rabbit is hiking with me." But I didn't, I just said yes.

She then said, "Well good for you."

WTF? Usually the conversation is more along the lines of "nice day" and "great day for a hike" or something equally tame. I got the sense too that she was a little critical, that I shouldn't be hiking alone. Yes, well, that's just the way it is. The humans I encountered (several cars passed me on my way up) all waved cheerfully, or, asked if I needed help. I suppose it's statistically possible that a mountain lion could attack me, a jogger was eaten 5 or so years ago...but I think I took my life in my hands much more on the drive on I-80 to and from the hike.

I also sort of wanted to point out that the deep tan they had now looked fine but once they got over 50 they'd look a lot more like leather (and not fine Corintian leather!) than they might prefer. Ooh, snarky!

Good weekend!

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