Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fixing My Rack

Finally got the car rack put back together. I had to take a trip down to the store and ask for help. It turns out there's a hex wrench adjustment that needs to be made. Once that was done (and it took a bit to figure out how that worked) the racks are on nice and tight. I'm going to experiment with a little trip onto the American River at say Howe or Watt and then go up and then down. If I'm right, there won't be much current and I'll have no problem. If I'm wrong, I'll have a short paddle to some current area and then have to turn around.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Castle Peak

Drove up to inspect some work done on Jodi's cabin and then headed to the Castle Peak/Boreal exit off 80. Jodi wanted a steep climb and I wanted a relatively flat hike. Neither of us had (we thought) gone this way before, but I figured that if couldn't be that hard as it was such a popular trail.

We started off around 4 pm and the trail climbed steadily (but not horribly) upwards. We reached a trail marker to the "Hole in the Wall" trail which climbed steeply to the left and Jodi headed off that way. I continued along the forest service road.

This is a very pretty trail with great views of meadows and Castle Peak. About the last 1/2 mile is a pretty steep climb and once the forest service road peters out and the Pacific Crest Trail it's pretty damn steep as it gets to Castle Summit at 7880 feet.

Spectacular views all around. The experience was a little marred because a large (20+) group of people arrived at the same time so there was plenty of loud talk and shouting, especially by one guy who had WAY too much energy. I was time for me to head back anyway so I feasted my eyes on the scenery and headed back.

I'll have to drive all the way up the forest service road next time and get to the summit of Castle Peak. Another day.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Winnemucca Lake via Woods Lake

Took Friday off and drove up to look at the potential house in Sutter Creek, then continued on up to Carson Pass. I was going to take the usual route at the summit past Frog Lake, but decided to try something different.

The Woods Lake trail is nice, perhaps a little rockier where it crosses or is actually part of a seasonal streambed. Most of the route is not too steep, although there is one patch close to the end that's stimulating. The path borders a snow melt fed creek that was rushing along.

Winnemucca Lake itself is gorgeous against it's volcanic backdrop. I sat and admired Elephant Back for about 10 minutes before heading back. There were lots of wildflowers in the forests and in the open hillside.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Attack ducks

Of course they aren't close enough to see but these juvenile ducks were in the mood for trouble. They followed me around and explored around my kayak at the shore while I was swimming. They left their mischief when I yelled at them.

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My beautiful and trusty kayak on Lake Natoma.

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