Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bike Trip on the Golden Gate Bridge

Donna and I met up with child in tow for a bike trip. We met at the scenic overlook area. I discovered that you can't get to the S.O.A. from southbound 101 so I would recommend parking on the other side in the triangular shaped parking area. That's accessible from both sides of the freeway.

We biked across on the Bay side of the bridge and then turned around after a brief exploration of the SF side. The views are fabulous, although it was overcast and cold.

We biked back on the ocean side of the bridge, and schlepped the bikes down some steps and up some steps back to the S.O.A. We stowed the bikes in my car and then went down to Sausalito to poke around. We ate lunch at a nondescript place next to the water while the child ran around exploring the rocks.

We then went back and sorted out the bikes and headed off in our separate directions. This was fun and we'll definitely do it again. I also saw a good (free!) launch site for the kayak and will look forward to a trip for that.

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