Sunday, January 28, 2007

Trip to Snow and Hunting Area

On Saturday Donna came up with Brianna and Kayla. We went with her family and the dog to the Lake Valley Reservoir. There was less snow than when I was up last weekend but the roads were even icier! We sledded around and then hiked to the lake shore. It was beautiful, partly iced over, with the moutains rising above it. There was sun and we enjoyed a nice picnic. The bathroom even had some toilet paper left from the fall!

On Sunday Commando and I drove up to Farwest Camp reservoir and then on to the Spenceville Wildlife Area. Commando and I explored a field that had harbored cows. There were some hut like structures with an old engine block and perhaps a rusted washing machine. There was also a rusting, probably no longer running backhoe. Someone had dug a big hole into the rock (at least a story deep and then put up a barbed wire fence). Interesting.

Hunting was still going on and I could hear shots off in the distance. I was wearing red but I forgot Commando's yellow vest. Fine!

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