Monday, June 18, 2007

Loch Leven Lakes via Salmon Lake

Commando and I hit the trail around noon. I didn't do a very good job of packing up because what I thought was full big bottle of water turned out to be only about a quarter full. I had a vitamin water, but could really have used more water. I also left the snacks in the car.

The trail immediately enters the end of a pretty marshy meadow with red wing blackbirds. Then it climbs for about 1/2 mile through forest. There were a lot of trees down over the trail and no one had tidied them off of the trail. The trail levels off through a more open forest and Commando was quite sure he was going to finally catch that rodent in this terrain.

Next, there's a still lake, perhaps 20 years from becoming a marsh or even a meadow. I crossed the inlet on a downed log that made a perfect bridge. Then the trail climbs up a steep and rocky section, another flattish ridge and then down a steep and rocky section.

Halfway down, you can see the first destination (1 and 1/4 miles) Salmon Lake. Personally, I would have made the trail straight down the granite to the lake instead of veering off then circling back to the lake...but what do I know? I sat on a very comfortable and convenient granite boulder and soaked my feet in the lake. I was hoping it would be icy, but it was quite warm. There was quite a school (or swarm) of fish (catfish??) with long "whiskers." They were curious about my feet and kept making little lunges at my toes. Finally one was bold and actually "bit" my toe. Even though I'd been enjoying them and knew it was coming I still yelped and pulled my feet out. There's just something primitive about it.

Back on the trail I had to decide if I'd had enough, or could I press on the other mile for Loch Leven. I decided to press on.

This seemed a much shorter mile than the last one, and I'll have to check the map again to see if they count the trail to Upper Lake Leven or not. We finally make it to the lake and saw several groups of people who had come up by the main trail. I briefly considered going another quarter mile to Middle LL but realized I was a bit tired and maybe I should head back.

The trail back was a challenge but we made it. This is a nice trail, but the Grouse Ridge area is more scenic if you ask me.

I'll post the pictures I took later.


Tom Spaulding said...

Interesting. I didn't know there was another trailhead into the Loch Leven Lakes other than the one on Hampshire Rocks Road (old US 40). Is it a rough road to the trailhead?

cgbikes said...

The road isn't too bad, although that could change at any time with a good rain. It wasn't the best road, but I made the trip in my Jetta without any particular damage to the undercarriage.