Friday, July 27, 2007

Evening in the Ravine

Took Commando to the ravine for a long walk. Yesterday I was a bad dog owner and didn't take him for a walk because I wanted to finish Deathly Hallows (great end to the series!). So I knew he needed an excellent walk to make up for it.

I took my push scooter with me because I thought that if would be less painful on my foot, plus, I'd get some practice without traffic.

It was a beautiful night and the scooter did its job of protecting my foot. Commando was ecstatic and sniffed everything and then peed on it to make sure.

The little cotton tail bunnies were out, making dusty marks in the trail. Are they rolling in the dust? Scratching and marking the dust to mark territory? Not sure, it's just that about every 10 feet there was a little patch of disturbed dust in the hard, hard clay-like surface of the trail. Commando loved chasing the bunnies and they gave him a demonstration of what "fast" is.

A large bullfrog leapt into the pond when Commando waded in for a cooling drink.

There were at least 3 raptors flying along...a falcon, a grayish looking bird, and a red tail hawk. I also saw a flock of turkeys who were not amused by the interruption to their evening stroll. Commando missed them which was good, but I would have enjoyed watching it. Would he chase them as prey and would they flee as prey? Would they be just a little too big and would he approach with caution? Would he discover that sometimes prey turns around and beats the "predator" to a pulp? Maybe we'll encounter them next time.

Just as I was climbing out of the quarry, I looked to the side and an owl was floating by on its way to the rodent hunt.

Beautiful, beautiful walk!

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