Wednesday, August 08, 2007

When Bees Attack

I was talking to Petra on the phone and just ending the walk with Commando. As I passed through the posts that separate the grass from the asphalt I saw a hole with bees. I didn't think much about it (other than, oh neat, bees) when suddenly I felt the painful stinging on my back. I had a vision of being attacked by billions of bees and became quite alarmed!

I yelled to Petra, "Aaargh, aargh, I have to hang up." Then I hung up and put the phone on the nearby bench and ran a few steps swinging my arms and sort of screaming a little. It really hurt a lot and I still had this mental image of really being viciously savaged by the whole hive.

I heard buzzing and picked a bee off the back of my shirt. Finally it was over. I collected my phone and called Petra back but I just wasn't in the mood to talk.

My back, near the left shoulder was burning and was quite painful...much more painful than I remembered from stings as a child.

Guess how many bee stings?

One. One measly little sting. Humph. It's barely a story.

P.S. Commando didn't react act all, other than to follow along with me because he was leashed.

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