Sunday, July 27, 2008

Duncan Peak

Drove up to Foresthill to Robinson Flat and then to the Duncan Peak lookout. The road had been closed last weekend due to the fire and we wanted to see the damage. It's not too bad. There are plenty of live trees left and the forest should recover quickly.

Commando and I moseyed around the fire lookout, but didn't go actually up to very top. There was someone there, but they shut the door and didn't say hello or anything so I let them have their privacy. It's an interesting volcanic outcropping with some cool looking colored rocks.

Then we hiked the trail to Little Bald mountain which is the other end of the ridge from Duncan Peak. Neither of these are very tall...they are both right around 7000 feet.

The trail was easy but a fire a few years ago has left the ridge mostly bare of trees so it was hot and sunny. There were lots of fresh cow tracks (and fresh looking manure) so I kept scanning for cows ahead of us. Sure enough, just before we got to what looked like the end, we saw about 20 or so cows and calfs lounging around in the sparse shade. I put Commando on the leash and decided to keep hiking. I thought they might stroll off and we wouldn't disturb them too much.

Within about 20 paces, they leapt up (well, as much as a cow can leap up) and galloped off a few paces. I've been trained not to harass stock so we turned around and went back. Commando kept looking back because cows sure seemed like something that would be fun to investigate and maybe chase, but I kept telling him no and eventually he resigned himself to the small rodents that are really his specialty.

We then drove down to French Meadows Reservoir for a cooling dip. This is really one of my favorite areas to visit. Even with the lake down a good 50 feet and plenty of haze from the fires it's still a pretty lake.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dog Mobile

Went to a dog mobile at the home show at the convention center. Took a dog named Michelin (gordon setter cross), two pit mixes (Abby and Brindle), and a dachsund mix who had an enormous personality. All of the dogs got lots of attention and were mobbed by potential adopters. I fell in love with the dachsund mix! Michelin was cute and will be rapidly adopted but the little dachsund (whose name I forget) was the best. Abby was cute too with an enormous bull dog head...really, it was GIANT. And she thought she was a lap dog too and spent lots of time licking people's faces.

I'm glad I went but missed taking my own dog for a walk.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Reno Trip

We stopped at the famous and excellent Ikedas in Auburn and had lunch. I also picked up peaches and tamari almonds. The fresh peach shake was outstanding!

Lost money the first night but it was good to see everyone.

Donna and I got up bright and early to hike the Mt. Rose trail off highway 431. I was hoping it would be less smoky than it was. The trail itself was relatively clear, but there was still a haze. We could see Lake Tahoe, but not clearly and we couldn't see across the lake to Mt. Tallac. We hiked up by the new trail...which is an excellent trail. Well graded, good route, great views (when the air is clear). Last time we'd hiked we'd gotten stopped too soon by huge snow drifts.

This time, we made it to the intersection of the Tahoe Rim Trail and the old trail. There's a small waterfall there overlooking a meadow overlooking the Carson Valley. We ate lunch, I cooled my feet in the stream and Donna scrambled up the waterfall.

To make it a loop, we hiked back on the TRT and the old trail. The new trail is much, MUCH better. The first part is good with a steep climb up the watershed and then across a flowery meadow. Once we reached the top of the saddle it was not nearly as pretty. The route down follows a hot, dusty road in full view of the sun with very little tree cover. If we'd turned up hill, we could have summited Relay Peak.
After a steady downhill of about 3 miles we were back at the car park and cooling off with the AC and the rest of our water. I would really like to summit Mt. Rose, but it will have to 9.8 miles, it's just a bit too far for me now...not even counting the 2000 foot elevation gain!

Dinner was pleasant although the steak was tough and gristly. I lost again at blackjack and the slots. We stayed up very late chatting about religion and the death penalty and Obama (we're all Obama supporters but have different views on religion and the DP). Di and Val left around 530 am for some family commitments and I went back to sleep.

On Sunday mother brought Commando up and we drove up the Burnside Lake road to Burnside Lake. Commando chased sticks in the water and then we both hiked around the lake. It can't be more than a mile around and there's no elevation change.

We drove back and can chalk up another successful trip!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Smoky and Hot Hike

Gas prices are keeping me from driving up to the mountains every weekend day to hike, but I haven't been up in about 3 weeks. Friday was the 4th and Donna's party at Malene's. Saturday I went in to work for about 2 hours. Sunday I was determined to go up. I wanted to go to the Carson Pass area and maybe hike from Burnside Lake down to Grover Hot Springs but Jodi called and wanted a ride to her cabin. She thought she could jog around the lake while I hiked.

After looking at the smoke she decided not to jog. I was going to try for the top parking lot and Castle Crags peak but the road was very bad, it was late and lord it was hot and smoky so I decided to head down the forest service road near the lodge.

As soon as I let Commando out of the car he had several bouts of explosive diarrhea and then he threw up. Lovely. He seemed lively enough otherwise so we headed down hill.

There was no view and it was hot. We hiked for about 45 minutes and then headed back. A few off road bikes passed and a few cars. Commando was hot too and only chased a few critters. He did go after one set of bikes and it was kind of funny how fast he went...the bikes had to slow to go around a turn and I wonder if they were surprised to see him so close behind. Other bikes he ignored.