Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Smoky and Hot Hike

Gas prices are keeping me from driving up to the mountains every weekend day to hike, but I haven't been up in about 3 weeks. Friday was the 4th and Donna's party at Malene's. Saturday I went in to work for about 2 hours. Sunday I was determined to go up. I wanted to go to the Carson Pass area and maybe hike from Burnside Lake down to Grover Hot Springs but Jodi called and wanted a ride to her cabin. She thought she could jog around the lake while I hiked.

After looking at the smoke she decided not to jog. I was going to try for the top parking lot and Castle Crags peak but the road was very bad, it was late and lord it was hot and smoky so I decided to head down the forest service road near the lodge.

As soon as I let Commando out of the car he had several bouts of explosive diarrhea and then he threw up. Lovely. He seemed lively enough otherwise so we headed down hill.

There was no view and it was hot. We hiked for about 45 minutes and then headed back. A few off road bikes passed and a few cars. Commando was hot too and only chased a few critters. He did go after one set of bikes and it was kind of funny how fast he went...the bikes had to slow to go around a turn and I wonder if they were surprised to see him so close behind. Other bikes he ignored.

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