Monday, February 16, 2009

Gloomy, stormy day in Bear Valley

Braved the storms to drive up to Nevada City and then to Bear Valley via highway 20. I was going to stop at the highway 2o ridge past the turnoff to Washington but it was snowing heavily and there was easily 3 feet of not very buoyant snow to plow through. Plus, there was no view.

Parked at the turnout in the valley and some thoughtful snowmobile enthusiast had made a nice trail up to the Sierra Trail and then back to the road. The snow is nice and wet and seems to be holding a lot of water. That's good for the drought. Conditions were good on the trail, but poor Commando went in up to his ears in the soft snow beside the trail. He didn't like it much but did obligingly chase snowballs into the deep snow.

It rained heavily at the lower elevations and snowed at the higher elevations. I might have stayed out longer but I really didn't want to be snowed in. I was glad to get out and I know Commando was glad too.

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