Monday, September 24, 2012

Girls Gone Camping 2012

We stayed at a nice house near Heavenly. First night we cooked delicious T-bones (with balsamic vinegar reduction and bleu cheese) and some red potatoes.

On Saturday we relaxed. I took a brief trip to Kiva Beach. Too bad Commando wasn't there as he would have given it 4 paws up. There was almost no one there when I arrived around noon and snagged a prime shady space leaning against a log. I didn't swim but did wade out a good distance to admire the view. Free parking, few people, and a spectacular view!

Met everyone else at Harvey's and tried to eat at Cabo Wabo. As it was closed, we ate at the American River Cafe across the street at Harrah's. It was extremely average if not more so.

We gambled for a bit with no big winner's and then headed back to the house to drink and play games. A card game called "Spite and Malice" was a hit although I am pretty sure that Shirley was just making the rules up. We also played Scrabble and almost everyone drank. Dinner that night was delicious pasta and meat balls.

On Sunday Tami and I headed for Spooner Lake and did a leisurely hike around (2.1 miles). It's a pretty enough lake with aspens scattered around and the trail is relatively level. It might even be possible to take a wheelchair around if one could stand being tilted to one side or the other. We headed off trail to view the various animal tracks in the mud and got covered in some bugs that were feasting on the young willows. The bugs were harmless. It's a nice enough hike but not particularly wonderful. The trail was busy (and will probably be nearly mall-like in the summer). Early spring and later in the fall (when the aspens turn) would be the best times to visit.

We did end up driving an older couple from Boston to find their car. They had passed us on the last uphill bit while we were gawping at some scenery and then discovered they couldn't remember where they had parked. It was just in another parking node but it's always irritating to finish a nice hike and then have to roam around a less than scenic parking lot with sore feet.

We headed back to the house where everyone else was relaxing and probably fighting off a bit of a hangover.

We watched a bit of relaxing TV and developed a crush on a guy named Morgan who was buying some property with his wife. Dimples for the win!

I headed back to Kiva beach. No one was there and, as it was late in day, I stayed on the sandy part and swam. The water was cold but tolerable. Once I'd put my towel on I was warm heading back to the car in spite of the stiff breeze. I warmed up in the hot tub and then drove with Tami and Malene to Mont Bleu. Tami gamble while Malene and I ate some tolerable appetizers. Although we'd snacked most of the day, I was getting hungry. We returned to gamble and lost our usual casino contribution.

Tami and Malene did a bit more gambling at Harvey's while I rested in the car and listened to some coyotes howling off in the distance. Apparently they've added some special chairs to the slots so they move around with the game action. It sounded fun!

Sunday was get away day. We divided up the food and the little remaining booze, cleaned up the place, and left for another year. Next year may be the coast although I would be happy to return to Lake Tahoe every year.

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