Saturday, January 11, 2014

Woods Lake Jan 2014

Dog commando looking out over frozen Woods Lake
Because the snow level is so low this year we took a trip to Woods Lake. There was parking at the end of the road. Usually there is a few feet of snow and the plows do not make any space.

The snow, what there is of it, is hard and icy. I was glad to have the cleats. We just followed the road to the lake and then crossed the lake to a little island and ate lunch. Round trip was about 3 miles. The road climbs gradually a few hundred feet to the lake so the way back is easier.

Weather was spectacular! I was in shirtsleeves until after lunch on the way back. Finally put my coat on because it was shady and perhaps just a bit cooler.

We'll have to come up in the summer and take the side trip to Round Top Lake. Looks interesting and it's not a trip we've done before.

More pics:
Mileage sign to round top and winnemucca lake
Plan for a summer trip
This branch was on Lunch Island and made a nice frame for the sun

View of an island in the middle of the lake

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