Sunday, September 18, 2005

"Eagles" and the New York Times

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm resting from a hard ten minutes of weeding with a brief hour long session of solitaire and surfing the internet.

A few months ago I finally managed to play at least one game of all of the possible games. And don't think it wasn't hard to do what with revisiting old friends and re-playing those games. I'm hoping that at some point the game counter for "Waning Moon" will be full and the whole app will crash.

Well, I digress. I'm reading an article about Napa Valley on $250 bucks a day and the traveler is sitting in a winery and observes two "eagles" soaring in a circle over the vineyard. I realize to someone from "new york city" (use inflection from the Pace Picante sauce ad) that the West must be home to many exotic critters and eagles are as common as pigeons...HOWEVER, the birds seen were most likely common turkey vultures or even perhaps red tailed hawks...NOT eagles.

Just to set the record straight because I have another 120 minutes of rest time before I go back to my next 10 minutes of labor with the Bermuda grass in the front "flower" bed.

I wonder if there's an award for the most use of ironic quote marks in a blog?

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