Sunday, October 09, 2005

I hiked the PCT yesterday!

Well, I hiked about 4 miles of it anyway, from Highway 80 near the Boreal Ski area to Donner Summit. I was (once again) trying to hike the route I did last winter on snowshoes so I could get a sense of the topography without 10' of snow.

It was late in the day when I started, so when the PCT diverged from my route, I stayed on it. The PCT will be impassable once snow hits (at least for me) as a lot of it goes across steepish faces. Once buried in snow, the PCT looks like an avalanche waiting to happen. I haven't found that snowshoes are very good at traversing steep slopes, although again, it could just be me.

It was a great fall hike. I saw almost no one on the trail. It was crisp and clear and cool. I could see Donner Lake from many places and the granite cliffs are always looming. The leaves had turned on the underlying brush (most of the trees are evergreen) so the forest was carpeted in yellow and red.

I will have to go back before it snows and do "my" trail again.

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