Wednesday, October 26, 2005

PMO Forum-Portfolio Mgt

Portfolio Project Ranking
Even big companies do “nice to have” projects instead of strategic projects
At initiation you've spent less money and resources so this phase is most important. If you can kill a non-essential project here, you’ve saved the most (or avoided spending the most).
Cute reference to the Alice in Wonderland Cheshire cat scene where he asks her where she’s going and she says she doesn’t care and he says well then it doesn’t make any difference what direction you go. That’s an excellent reason for planning!

Mo Kanaan was the speaker and he was engaging and VERY passionate about his subject. It was particularly noticeable because his focus was mathematical and we could have all been snoring through the presentation as he presented the matrixes.

There was an interesting question and I’m not sure that Kanaan really had a good answer to it. I’m sure he’s not really naïve, but people can be evil and manipulative. Q what about people gaming the system? A Assume there's consensus
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