Friday, December 30, 2005

Last snowshoe trip of 2005

There are huge storms forecast for No Cal and it's been raining almost non-stop for all of December. It's all been a warm rain, so there's not too much snow yet and it's mostly above 6000 feet.

I went last weekend to Yuba Pass and it was okay, not great. With a few more feet of snow the boulder fields and clear cut areas will be fun. Also, there was still plenty of liquid water in the meadows so until they freeze over, access is denied.

This weekend I went up to the snow park on Highway 88 where the Mormon Emigrant Trail road meets 88. There's plenty of snow, maybe 3-4 feet and it's wet and packed. Unfortunately, it was raining fairly heavily. I went for a short hike, but it's not as fun when all you can hear is the patter of rain on your hood.

I will give props to my gloves. I bought them at the end of last year in Soda Springs and they are great! They aren't too puffy so I can do some work with them (like fastening my snowshoes), although I can't operate my car key buttons with them. My one hand was aching with cold and both gloves were pretty wet just from getting ready. Within about 10 minutes, my hands were warm as toast...almost so warm I was tempted to take my gloves off. I think the brand is Seirus or something like that. Great buy!

I'd like to go up again and probably will, but it's more fun when it storms during the week, leaving nice fresh snow for the weekend. Also sun, don't forget to mention that the sun is nice too.

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