Thursday, November 23, 2006

1st Morning with Commando

I kept him in my room for the night and it was a bit of a chore, but we worked it out. At first, he sacked out on the carpet on a towel I put down for him and I dropped off to sleep thinking all was going to be good.

After about 45 minutes, he woke up and wanted to play. He tossed his toys around and paced around my room, occasionally putting his forepaws up on the bed. I tried letting him go outside, which he loved as long as I was with him. Then he started LEAPING onto my bed and I would have to drag him off saying, "NO." This went on for a while. I could keep him off the bed only by staying up and saying, "No" everytime he would jump up.

I wasn't getting much sleep this way. Finally he settled back down on the carpet and tried to drop off. Within about 15 minutes he had leaped up on the bed and snuggled right down. I thought, he's quiet, I can sleep, so I just him be. I got most of a good night's sleep this way and so did Commando.

When morning came, we went in the backyard and I tried to encourage him to "do his business" but to no avail. I left him out there (checking on him) and went inside to make coffee. Then I got dressed and we went out for a little walk. He enjoyed the walk, didn't do any marking or any "business." We got back and I left him in the back yard for a while (checking on him).

I was doing some cleaning and tidying and after a while I let him back in. He followed me around, very curious and playful. I checked in the backyard and---success---he did his business!

Now I'm relaxing and he's lying under the feet of my recliner relaxing himself.

So far so good.

I can hear the helicopters overhead for the "Run to Feed the Hungry."

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