Saturday, April 14, 2007

City Bikes is Great!

From an email I sent to them:
I'd like to thank your service department for their always extremely helpful and courteous help. Today I came in pretty grumpy with a trivial flat tire. It wasn't anything wrong with the bike, I just didn't know about the special air "thingie." I had been riding to work last week, decided to stop at the gas station to fill my tires, and let all of the air out. So, I just get grumpy when things don't work out. It's raining, I've had a hard week at work, and I bring my bike in. Now any other place could give me attitude, or ignore me completely, but the service guy was very helpful, explained about the air "thingie" (without acting snippy about my stupid questions) and helped me get an adapter so I could fill up my tire at any gas station. Oh, he also filled my tires.

Later that same day, I'm biking slowly along a gravel levee top watching my dog romp around near the river. Could like be any better? So, instead of contributing to grumpiness, your excellent service department made one person's life much, much brighter! Hey, it's not world peace or an end to poverty and hunger, but it sure made a difference to me!

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