Sunday, March 23, 2008

Adventure on Peavine Ridge

Once again I really wasn't in the mood to hike, but went anyway. We drove up 50 to Ice House road. Instead of continuing on, we headed off on a paved road that heads west (ish). On the map, it's called Peavine Ridge road which turns off Ice House at the top of what I assume is Peavine Ridge.

The road was rough in places, but by no means the worst we've traveled. We drove through a few snow drifts but the ground was mostly clear. Nearing the top, we saw a pickup in a snow drift and they were stuck. I wouldn't even cross the last snow drift towards them because the snow was high and the road was muddy and it looked deep.

Instead, we drove Justin down to his house lower down and then back up with some shovels so they could dig themselves out of the snow. They were young and in good shape and they weren't that far into the drift.

Commando and I then hiked up the road and reached the crest not too far along. The other side of the hill was the shady side, and I had to trek through drifts, or go along into the forest to avoid the snow. I squeezed through a manzanita bush at one spot. I hadn't brought my snow shoes with me although they were in the car and when we reached a solid mass of snow, we turned back. At the crest of the ridge, we turned off onto a side road and wandered along it for a while. Commando alarmed a rodent colony in a pile of brush. I saw fresh deer tracks. We crossed through the wood to the lower road and ended up just above where the kids truck had been stuck.

Not a very interesting hike, but reasonably enough.

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