Sunday, August 03, 2008

Schneider Camp

I wanted to hike from Schneider Camp to Showers Lake but got a late start to the day and it was hot and I was really feeling the altitude. Turned back after a short distance and explored around the barn and the crossed the meadow and got back onto the road. It's late spring in the high country now. There are still plenty of flowers, but it's clear that they've seen better days and it's only a matter of weeks before everything turns golden.

This view is of the flapping door to the barn which Commando did not find as amusing as I did.

After that, drove to Burnside Lake and splashed around to cool off. There was a family of ducks at the lake, but the kids were almost grown and Commando gave them a cautious look, but didn't chase them. After we'd been splashing around for about an hour, another family of ducks came by. This time, the ducklings were small and cute so I hustled Commando back to the truck and leashed him up before he could commit a war crime.

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