Sunday, May 17, 2009

More French Meadows Reservoir

This was really more of a driving trip because I was dizzy and shaky once we got up there. We drove up the Ralston Ridge way but could have come the Mosquito Ridge way as all the snow from last weekend is gone.

We strolled around at the trailhead to Granite Chief wildernesss but I didn't have the chops to cross the snowmelt stream. I put Commando on the leash when going down to the American River past the one group camping. On the way back I didn't do that because I didn't see anyone around and certainly no dogs. Unfortunately the dog was in the tent with its owner and the tent dog and Commando exchanged some pleasantries before he heeded my recall command. I'm guessing that the tent occupant was napping and the probably wasn't the best way to wake up.

On the way back one of the campers came down with fishing gear and he was very polite so they are (whew!) a forgiving group. He said he hadn't caught any fish yet but he'd warned his worms to get ready and to hold their breath!

We turned off at the Duncan Peak crossroad but a downward truck said the road was still closed by snow so we headed back to civilization by Mosquito Ridge.

It was hot and even with the air I couldn't get cool. Still, it was a good day and Commando got a little exercise while I strolled and he chased sticks into FMR and even had fun running and biting the waves.

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