Monday, August 31, 2009

Fordyce Lake Trek

Drove up 80 to Cisco Grove exit and took the signed dirt road to Fordyce Lake. The beginning part, once paved, is in some ways the worst part of the trip due to the HUGE potholes. Someone has graded parts of the road because when I drove it late last year it was much worse. Once over the Fordyce Summit the road is also not good, but PG&E is doing some maintenance and they have repaired and sanded the road for heavy equipment.

We parked about 1/2 mile from the lake and then strolled along the inlet meadow to the the dam. From the dam you can see the back side of Old Man Mountain and I think I'll try to get there before winter closes in.

It's pretty, but Grouse Lakes is prettier so I think I have probably seen what I wanted to see with this trip. I may try to take another drive up to Lake Sterling.

Commando had a great time running around and chasing sticks.

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