Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dog Valley near Verdi, NV

Drove up late and found the trail head. It's actually a road normally, but it's not plowed and I'm pretty sure it's not paved for much of the way. There really wasn't that much snow and the snowmobiles (and one Subaru with chains) had made the surface nice and hard. Still, I wasn't sure where the trail would take me and if I decided to go off the road I would want the snowshoes. I strapped them on while Commando waited extremely impatiently.

It's a steady climb with the surrounding hills bare due to a forest fire in the 90's. I was surprised to see no new tree growth. The snow was very powdery and dry. To create snowballs for Commando was very difficult.

The most interesting part were some tracks up and down the hill we were on and on the hill across the little canyon. Commando followed the tracks straight up the hill and they apparently went through the deep, new snow in parallel with the road. There were a few places where they dropped back down. He found these tracks VERY interesting and could barely be removed from them.

They were animal tracks, probably something about Commando's size or perhaps a bit smaller. The snow was too fluffy to take a print. I could see tracks on the opposite hill and the critter had carefully checked under rocks, downed trees, tree trunks, and other places that rodents would likely be. In some places the animal seemed to be leaping as there would be an animal shaped hole, then untouched snow, then another hole.

I couldn't help but think of the lone wolverine, although it seems to be living west of here. I'm sure if was just a coyote.

On our way back down Commando followed the animal track on the ridge above the road. He didn't come when called. When he FINALLY came down, his ruff was up and he was very reluctant and excited to be going back. I wish I understood his language so I could know what he smelled!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Union Valley Reservoir

Took advantage of the beautiful new snow and the sun to take a quick snowshoe expedition to UVR. I stopped at the first road and the wonderful plow folks had made a nice little parking area. No one was there but someone had thoughtfully snowshoed to break a trail. We made good time down to a parking area (for a bike trail?) and then the trail ended. We went a bit further but the snow was not very supportive so we headed back.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snowflower lake snowshoe snowshoe

Second time was the charm as we reached the lake. It's actually part of a Thousand Trails franchise. I could have sworn I saw a PG&E public access notice but I guess not. We followed the straight path to the lake, retracing our steps under the power lines. This was good because the snow was still not very buoyant. My old tracks had frozen quite nicely and made a good trail.

We arrived at the dam and Commando paid close attention to a wooden hut that seemed to have much rodent smell. I suppose it could have been steak smell, but I suspect rodents. Instead of enjoying the view he spent the entire time sniffing excitedly around the perimeter of the hut. I sat on my nice new coat (warm and dry) and drank my drink and enjoyed the view. It's nice enough but not spectacular.

We headed back along the completely paved and plowed road that lead right to the lake. I stashed the snowshoes along the way as my shoulder was hurting a bit.

Good day and now I'll need a new goal. Commando wolfed his food down and is now stretched out on his side snoring.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Snowflower lake snowshoe

Enjoying my vacation although I confess it's been hard to mentally unwind! Tried and failed to get to the lake. My planned route took me up and over some hills for the now defunct Sun Valley ski area. It's a nice and easy route with good views from the top. The snow was firm. I headed across the planned ridge with good snow and then the ridge dropped into forest. I knew where the lake was but couldn't see it. I didn't want to meander around in the forest looking for it. As I dropped down a bit I saw someone else's tracks and followed them down. Took a bit out of the knees to get down one sharp bit but it was relatively easy.

We kept dropping down and eventually got into the forest anyway. I was wanting to hit some power lines that most likely headed right to the lake. Got to the power lines and inexplicably, the snowshoe tracks I'd been following didn't go to the lake. Instead, they headed across a stream into the forest on the other side.

We followed the power poles in the direction of the car. I'm glad I turned back when I did because this section was very hard. The snow was mushy and blazing the trail was almost like real work. Even Commando didn't like it. We encountered another stream but there was a bridge. Strangely, the other tracks came out of the woods just to cross this bridge.

We kept slogging along and finally reached the marshy area just before the car. We followed snowmobile tracks (nice and firm) and then wandered around the nicely frozen snow of the marshy area (even firmer and faster) and made it back to the road.

I was glad to get the snowshoes off and get back to the car! Next time, I'll try the power pole route first.