Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Dental weeniness

Apparently one of my ancient fillings (20 = +?) needed to be replaced and I am a giant weenie when it comes to dental procedures. The dentist prescribed some Xanax and I took one the night before (and felt nothing) and 2 in the morning.

Two was certainly the right amount although I did need an extra injection of novocaine during the procedure. I give props to the new-fangled electric drill because it seemed to have less vibration than the old and busted air powered drill.

Got home and slept for the rest of the day. Managed to wake up and eat dinner and watch about 1 hour of TV and then went back to bed for the whole night.

I can't believe that people actually take the drug recreationally! What's recreational about sleeping for 24 hours? If I'm going to recreate (which I'm not, drugs are bad), I want to see colors and other weird crap.

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