Sunday, July 23, 2006

More Echo Lake Kayaking

Andy came up Friday and rented a Kestrel from CCK (great retailer, please patronize for all of your kayaking needs). On Saturday we loaded up in the baking 100 degree temperatures and headed for the lake.

We stopped in Pollack Pines for a fishing license for Andy and in Placerville for breakfast for both.

Echo Lake was very crowded! The lower lot was full, the upper lot was full, and people were parked along the road for a good half mile. The ferry that crosses the two lakes was in constant service shuttling hikers to and fro. The lake was riffly from a mild breeze and choppy from the ferry and few power boats revving around.

We paddled steadily to the upper end and then hung out where a cold, snow melt creek infalls. I floated around in the water while Andy got his fishing tackle ready to go. Then, he paddled out to experiment with fishing while kayaking. I floated some more, then strolled a few hundred yards in either direction along a casual use trail that bordered the lake. Then I got back into my Willow and poked along the shoreline.

After an hour or so, Andy decided that the one nibble he might have gotten wasn't worth it so we meandered around the various islands and then headed back to the launch area.

I selfishly allowed Andy to hike back up to the car and sat and watched the crowds around. A retriever fetched a stick and walked along the top of the dam. Various boats exited. Several people wore extraordinarily silly shoes. Will "rich" people buy anything? I swear that a man wore sequined clogs that matched his wife's.

Andy made it back down and we loaded up. We had a brief delay while he unhooked a fish hook from his shorts. As a sister, I can say with due fondness, "ha, ha, ha, HA, HA, HA, HA" and wipe tears of laughter from my eyes.

A woman asked us about kayaking and we assured her that it was fun and she should definitely rent some tomorrow and go out on the lake and try it out.

So that was the great trip!

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