Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Commando and Cesar Millan

That Cesar guy is really good. I've been walking Commando in the morning and in the evening. He's reasonably good on the leash, and I generally let him roam around freely. We do "wait" at curbs though and he's very good at that.

I was practicing heeling with him and he was sort of getting it but there was a lot of lunging and "NO"ing and correction. Then I did the tap with the back foot on his hind end and made the "Tcchh" noise and with 2 repetitions Commando was heeling beautifully and walking very calmly at my side. I swear I could have dropped the leash completely!

I now generally let him run around on the leash and then about 3 blocks from home he heels. I also have him heel when we encounter other dogs.

So far he's been delighted to meet other dogs and immediately does the play bow.

Good dog Commando!

We're still working on getting him to use the dog door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Commando learning to "heel" so fast is remarkable. Next time you are here please try teaching Bracko. Enjoy the blog . D.O.D,