Sunday, December 10, 2006

Devil's Falls

Based on the great waterfalls page, I drove east to Colfax to Devil's Falls in the pouring rain. The excellent directions got me right there and it's a beautiful drive, even in the bad weather.

Commando and I hiked around from the falls to the bridge and down to the river. I had Commando off leash and he was reasonably obedient. I won't be able to trust him yet around other people, but he's definitely getting it.

He did learn an important lesson too that's kind of funny. He got carsick again (I'll have to take him to the vet for that) and so I stopped in the middle of the road to let him out to finish being sick and clean up. He scampered around happily and refused to come back to me in spite of the treats.

I was in the middle of the (isolated, dirt) road and could see a pull out about 100 feet ahead. I got in, left the driver's side door open, started up the car, and drove to the pull out. Wow! Commando had a complete attitude adjustment and decided that maybe coming when I called was in fact the best option. He got a treat and some ear scratching as a reward. I also put him in the front seat to see if that made his stomach any better.

He really is the perfect companion dog for me. He's smart though which means I have to be smarter with training. On several instances you can see him thinking, "Hmmm, do I want the treat she's offering, or is what I'm doing now more entertaining?"

I hope we can get him over this car sickness because he loves hiking and hiking involves getting in the car and driving. He seems to recover quickly and still loves hopping in the car for a ride so we'll see. Maybe the vet will have some insight.

He's curled up now sleeping in his new dog basket from Ikea. So cute.

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