Monday, October 01, 2007

Lake Margaret Success

On Saturday the hound and I drove up through Placerville. There was a big traffic jam getting through the lights and I snapped a pic of a No Pedestrians sign. Obviously it's dangerous!

We turned onto the Mormon Emigrant Trail to Highway 88 and pulled off just past Kirkwood at the Lake Margaret trail head parking lot.

The parking lot was full although some people were sitting on some rocks eating lunch. My recommendation, move to another location if you're not going to be staying for a long time. I was resigned to parking along 88 when I noticed some people getting into a Jeep. I drove back up. They appeared to be futzing around so I went up and politely asked if they were leaving. They seemed to be eating lunch and decided to drive off leaving the parking space open. I felt a little guilty as I kind of forced them to leave, but there are prettier spaces overlooking Caples Lake just a bit ahead.

Commando and I hit the trail around 1 pm, a little later than I'd planned, but still earlier than last weekend. I was worried that with the parking lot being full the trail would be busy. Not to worry, I encountered almost no one. There was one big, big group at the mini-summit after the log over Caples Creek and then only 4 people at the lake. If we'd gotten an earlier start, we would have seen many more people.

The trail is pretty easy and there are a few pine forest duff level spots as well as some soft meadow spots as well. The craggy granite bits are not too difficult, although they are more challenging than on some hikes.

Toward the end, I was wondering why the trail didn't just go along the bottom of a dry creek when suddenly the trail cut across the creek and headed toward a forbidding cliff. I assumed the trail would cut along the base of the cliff but I was wrong. Instead, the trail headed right to the cliff and then, quelle horror, headed right up a relatively steep granite slab. This is looking up at the climb. There is a round boulder almost in the top center just at what looks like the base of the pine tree. After scaling this steep section, I would have to scramble over this really, really big and fat Mastiff sized rock wedged in between two granite thighs.

I made it up and over the boulder just fine. This is the view looking down. It's a little scarier in this direction isn't it? Commando of course scampered up and down repeatedly and even poised at an even higher granite rock to stare down at me and wonder what was taking me so long. I was apprehensive after this climb, and looking at the surrounding cliffs because I really didn't want to add a hard climb to the end of the hike. It was getting somewhat late and I'm not the fastest hiker in the world. I certainly didn't want to get here and then decide I couldn't make it the rest of the way.

Not to worry, just over Mastiff rock and about 50 level steps is a cut in the cliff and through the cut is the lake. I strolled along and thought I might have the lake to myself when I noticed some people fishing. I sat and ate the remainder of my snack and drank some Vitamin water and then headed back.

The hike back was not quite as fun. The Advil was beginning to wear off and my foot started bothering me. I just took it slow and stopped to rest and made it fine back to the car.

Maybe next weekend if the weather holds I'll try for Lake Aloha again near Echo Summit.

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