Sunday, January 20, 2008

Commando and the Arachnid

Early this morning I was trying to decide whether or not to get up and Commando started a low, vicious growling. He kept it up for a while and then went outside. He came back in almost immediately.

He was soon growling again, and looking at the glass door to the outside. It was a really scary growl and he was even shaking a little. I figured it was time to get up and see what the problem was.

There was a huge, ugly, black spider on the ceiling near my computer chair. Commando was really growling at it.

One good thing about being over 20 is that I couldn't really see the spider. It was just a dark spot on the wall. It wasn't moving so it didn't trigger my arachnophobia. I moved the chair and got the broom and dispatched the spider.

So, Commando has arachnophobia too!

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