Sunday, January 06, 2008

Blizzard Defiance

I was not going to let the great storm of January 2008 keep me housebound all weekend, especially with reports of up to 10 feet of expected snow falling in the Sierras. Saturday I was grounded. Sunday there was a little bit of sun in late morning and Commando and I hastily drove up to Foresthill.

It was beautiful but overcast. Everything...trees, powerlines, mailboxes...was covered with fresh, powdery snow.

We stopped at Chicken Hawk road a little bit past the Michigan Bar road. It had started snowing and my car isn't equipped for that. Also, there really isn't a place to pull off and the signs (and common sense) warn you not to park at the road side lest one impede the snow plows. Someone had driven down CH road and left nice deep ruts to follow. These were filled in and softened with a good 6 inches of powder. I didn't even bother putting on the snow shoes as the walking was so easy.

We didn't stay out long. I really didn't want to get stranded and snowed in. Commando and I played several games of "toss the snow" where I flick loose snow at him and he leaps up to catch it. This is one of his favorite snow games. He also loves catching mini-snowballs.

Can't wait for next weekend!

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