Saturday, February 16, 2008

Snow Trip for the Kids

Went with Donna's family and a passel of kids to Icehouse Lake. We commandeered the boat ramp and colonized the area to the left of the ramp up to the trees. There is a nice slope there, but not too scary for the kids.

A lot of snow had melted from the last trip, and the pristine surface was marked with multiple boot, ski, snow shoe, dog and ski machine tracks.

Donna, Janine and I went to the top of the hill with most of the kids. Donna and Janine took some of the kids down on saucers while I hung out throwing snow balls and getting snow balls thrown at me.

The kids soon discovered Commando's love of catching snow balls so he spent most of the day leaping into the air.

The weather and views of the Crystal Range were spectacular. The sun was hot and the breeze didn't stir until after lunch.

Kayla learned to stand on a plastic toboggan and surf down the hill. Little Jackson (3) trudged up and down the hill several times and even rode a saucer all by himself. Everyone else had a great time whether or not it was their first visit to snow or their second or their "so many they can't count any more-th" visit.

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