Saturday, February 02, 2008

Lovely Hike in Freezing Rain

I was hoping to get a quick snow shoe hike in before the storm, which was scheduled to arrive late Saturday. Around noonish, when I got to Pollock Pines, it was starting to snow quite heavily. I cut back down to Placerville and then took 49 north to Growlersburg (Georgetown). Commando and I played in the snow at a school baseball field, but it was still snowing quite heavily and I did not want to get stuck.

On the way north on 49 to Auburn, we stopped at the Auburn State Rec Area near Cool and walked around some at the Olmstead Loop Trail. It was freezing rain, the trail was muddy, and there were a few swollen creek crossings that sent freezing water over my boot tops to dampen my socks.

Still, it was pleasant, and I was reasonably warm. Commando certainly enjoyed running around the open pasture land terrorizing hidden rodents so it was worth it.

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