Monday, April 21, 2008


Got a cold that has everyone at work down. Major cough and chest rattling. Called in to the doc this morning to beg for codeine cough syrup and got that and antibiotics. Walked Commando on Saturday, a very windy day, and thought I was going to faint or die from coughing. Can't walk him by the river for a while because the ducklings and goslings have hatched and he thinks they look like a lot of fun to chase and probably eat if he catches one. The mother duck demonstrated the effectiveness of the "fly just ahead of the predator leading him away from the chicks" ploy and Commando fell for it in a big way. I like walking him by the river because he's discovered how fun it is to retrieve sticks. He'll even swim for them now! But having him shred an innocent little duckling (especially in front of witnesses) might not be so fun. Plus, they probably make good coyote and perhaps hawk and egret meals and why deprive them of the protein?

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