Sunday, October 19, 2008

Andesite Peak

My goal was to reach the Peter Grubb hut, but I miscalculated the route and didn't make it. I also let the last 100 feet of Andesite Peak defeat me. I scrambled up maybe about 30 feet, then considered the loose rocks and the steepness and considered how I would get down without breaking any bones. Perhaps I was a wuss, but I'm not the most graceful person and I really did not want a cast for my 49th birthday.

We drove up the snowmobile trail/road. It looked like if I followed the road to the end, we'd be very, very near the Andesite Ridge and the trail to PGH. I took a wrong turn and we ended up about 1/2 way to Andesite Peak. I bushwhacked along the ridge through a mature forest which desperately needs a cleansing fire. We reached a small meadow and I gave Commando some water and sat on a perfectly lovely bent tree and surveyed the pretty view.

I could hear voices so knew I was close to Hole in the Wall trail. Sure enough, about a football field away was the trail. Hiked up, ate my snack at the top, hiked down. It was a beautiful fall day and I enjoyed the views over Donner Summit.

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