Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crystal Lake, Hampshire Rocks, Summit Valley

On the other side of 80 from Eagle Lakes it looked like one could drive or hike up to a lake on the other side of the railroad tracks. It's more scenic than it sounds. One could drive up to the tracks, but the fenced property on the other side said "No Trespassing" about 100 times so I figured they were serious.

We then exited at Big Bend and looked at the Yuba River. We strolled around the closed Hampshire Rocks campground and explored the river a bit. Commando got wet and enjoyed trying to chase the pitiful excuses for sticks I threw for him. At the end of a season of camping, even the twigs are puny and weak.

Finally we drove down to Soda Springs and explored Lake Van Norden and the surrounding valley. It's a beautiful valley in the fall, although it could use some aspens on the surrounding hills. The grass is golden yellow and the center of the valley is dry. It must be quite a bog in the spring or in a wet year. Commando really had a great job leaping all over the terrain occasionally stopping to terrify the rodent population by sniffing at a rodent hole. I could see signs of other predators in a pile of game bird feathers with nary a bone left of the carcass. There was a gaggle of Canada geese and ruined part of Commando's afternoon by leashing him up so he wouldn't chase them. A part of me would like to see him chase them. I suspect they would be more than a match for him, and I might enjoy him watching him running away from a particularly aggressive specimen. However, I try to be a good citizen and harassing wild life is not in the handbook...even if the wild life is more like a flying rat that converts meadow grass to copious poo.

He slept soundly on the ride home and was only able to chase one tennis ball before falling into a nice nap before going to bed. A tired dog is a good dog.

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