Sunday, June 14, 2009

Enchanted Pools Round Trip

Drove to Wright's Lake and finally did the round trip journey!

Took the Rockbound Pass trail and then cut over to the EP just before entering the Desolation Wilderness area on the poorly marked use trail. There's a little summit just before the turnoff and we stopped to listen to a lone coyote somewhere north of us.

The weather was good for hiking because it was cold and overcast with dramatic clouds. There were even a few rain sprinkles and it had rained earlier in the day.

It was a little tricky crossing the's spring and the water is COLD, DEEP and FAST but I found a relatively short crossing with relatively shallow water (below knee deep) and not too fast. I took my boots off and then started across. Wow! Cold! The bottom was rocky but a little mossy and soft without being slippery. I took it slowly because I didn't want to fall in and get wet and cold. It was a bit of struggle scrambling over the granite on the other side but I didn't get wedged in any of the cracks and was soon sitting on the rock putting on my nice and warm and dry socks and boots.

We did spend a little time sitting on various comfy boulders and logs on both sides to enjoy the scenery and the incredibly loud water.

Hiking down on the Twin Lake trail side I saw some new views of the small cascades and sat down to watch a solid wall of water fall down into a crevice and then dart sideways to drop down a chute and then boil up before dropping into a large pool. By summer this will be a great pool to take a dip and cool off...but not today!

We had no problems crossing the other little stream. The water was swift but didn't really get to the top of my foot so I let my water resistant boots take the brunt.

I had to leash Commando up down at the Wright's Lake loop trail because it's a bit busy now and it is an on leash area.

He had a great time and was a tired doggy for that evening and the next day.

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