Thursday, September 30, 2010

Exploring Schneider Cow Camp

Hiked up to the saddle overlooking Meiss Meadows. WOW, what a view. The saddle has some nice rocks for sitting and really outstanding views. There's the whole Carson Pass area, Red Lake Peak, Stevens Peak, Elephant Back, and Round Top. There's the whole Kirkwood area including Thunder Mountain. A little bit along the ridge and there's Lake Tahoe including (maybe) Mt. Rose and (maybe) the Three Sisters. Spectacular. A bit of a rain came up as I was heading up to the top of an unnamed prominence so we headed back down. We were going to persevere, but the wind started getting colder.

As we were coming back down to the saddle two people on horseback were headed our way from the Tahoe area. Commando was quite interested although I was glad they turned off and headed into Meiss Meadows. I'm not completely convinced that Commando will act like the gentlemen he is around horses.

An older couple heading down overtook us as we were headed down. The man was way ahead and had a somewhat disagreeable dog with him named Pip. There was only barking and Commando acting a bit foolish to try and get Pip to play. Pip was extremely uninterested. I suspect he finds hiking serious business.

We stopped for a snack and water break and to watch the rain fall in this nice flat area close to the end of the hike. Commando refused water but scarfed his food down with interest. I felt a bit sorry for the hunters camped around the area. I have seldom seen fewer deer signs.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Trying to decide my next summit experience

Having somewhat successfully conquered Mt. Lola after only 4 tries, I think I'd like to try to get to 10,000 feet or 3048 meters. I need to be able to start at about 8000 feet or so and not have more than a 5 mile round trip. Also, hiking only, no scary slipping and sliding or falling.

I'm thinking Hawkins Peak or possibly Mt. Rose. Just some thoughts.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Group hike to the Enchanted Pools

A group of us from work met at the Costco in Folsom and grouped into cars to take the Enchanted Pools hike. Commando and Cheyenne (Mike and Angie's dog) came along too. Unfortunately for me, I slept in until 8 or so and was scrambling to get to the meetup place. I forced everyone to stop at the MacDonalds in Placerville so I could get coffee, breakfast and lunch. Good thing I happened to have some Vitamin water in my pack or I would have been really hurting.

The weather was great. We hiked pretty slowly up because I was the only one that knew the way and the trail is indistinct in several places. The dogs got along great even around food.

Alex and his posse stayed at the lower pools which were apparently the best. The rest of us went up higher to a not so scenic area and ate lunch.

There was a grumpy couple in a good shady area. I mean, they were really grumpy. Theresa walked by and they said they had hiked 4 hours to get here and wanted to know how long we'd be there. I had to wonder where they'd hiked from to take 4 hours. I certainly understand the desire for peace and quiet, but this is a pretty popular hiking spot and there are usually many other people there. It's better to bring your peace and quiet with you instead of relying on it from outside.

We hiked back on the Tyler Lake, Rockbound, Loop trail route with little problem. Once you're there, you're actually on established trails and route finding is easy. It was a good day.

I didn't take the pictures, Wee did and they are great!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Last morning at 157 Seacliff, Aptos

We stayed at The Tides of Life in Aptos and our visit was just what we wanted. We can highly recommend this as a vacation rental. We walked on the beach every day, relaxed on their comfortable furniture and tried to find the hidden bottle of wine!

This movie is from this morning as we were packing up to go.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

More fun playing games

After several spirited games of Scrabble we decided to relax with a few lines.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sitting outside at the beach rental

711 pm (Sat) I'm outside on the patio overlooking Rio Del Mar beach. There are many people heading to the beach to have bonfires and perhaps stir up trouble.

735 pm (Sat) Still sitting outside but getting a bit cold. Read the frugal traveler in the nytimes. I can hear the waves and folks laughing and talking on the beach.

739 pm (Sat) Just like home the neighborhood dogs are barking across the valley to each other.

541 pm (Sun) After a long day in San Juan Bautista we're watching some parachutists land, presumably safely, on the beach.

849 pm (Sun) After a great chicken adobo dinner I decided to see when the House season premiere is on and knocked over the table next to the couch. Fortunately, nothing was broken.  Gary wants another video.

Altar at the beach rental

We hike to the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake

We drove to the Forest of Nisene Marks and up the Aptos Creek road. We were able to drive past the winter gate and park at the second gate. We hiked up the old road. We saw several joggers and mountain bikers. The turn off to the hiking only trail is well marked and is about 1 mile from the start. The foot trail goes along Aptos creek and occasionally goes along an old logging right of way from the early 1900's. There are two stream crossings.

I first hiked to the epicenter in the early 90's. It was pouring rain and I remember taking shelter under a redwood. My memory must be faulty, or they've moved the epicenter because there weren't any big redwoods there.

It's an interesting hike and brings back memories of the earthquake.

The picture is of Donna crossing a log. I crossed the same log a few minutes before she did.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Exploring Caples Creek

On Friday drove up 50 to Kyburz and took Silver Fork road. Stopped at the Fitz Ranch bridge to hike up the trail to Government Meadows. I gave some thought to hiking across Caples Creek then up a trail to Forgotten Flat then back down a forest service road to Silver Fork and the car. It's a round trip of 5 miles. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling very good so once I crossed the creek and looked at the first uphill switchback I decided not to continue. I wasn't that committed to it so I wasn't disappointed.

Today we did the same hike, but continued on to Jake Schneider Meadow. I had wanted to stop there somewhere at Caples, take my boots off and cool my feet off. Caples is a lively creek busily trying to carve a canyon out of the granite so there weren't any good places. The banks were a steady 2 feet or more above the water level. The water was also moving pretty fast with many snags and really dangerous strainers so I didn't want to chance going in.

There was one place that had been made into a campsite with beautiful, soft sand and a bit of a calm area. I soaked my feet until a spider (I'm a bit phobic) decided that he wanted to share this exact same spot and he didn't appreciate my fat butt on his grassy home. I left.

We also stopped at the granite and sand beach just down from the nice bridge about a mile up the trail. No one was there and I soaked my feet for quite a while without disturbing any arachnids. Commando and I played some splash for a bit and he cooled down nicely.

It's a nice, easy trail with some good views. The meadow was dry, not quite golden but close. Grasshoppers and dragon flies were abundant. I'll definitely do this trail again.