Saturday, September 18, 2010

We hike to the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake

We drove to the Forest of Nisene Marks and up the Aptos Creek road. We were able to drive past the winter gate and park at the second gate. We hiked up the old road. We saw several joggers and mountain bikers. The turn off to the hiking only trail is well marked and is about 1 mile from the start. The foot trail goes along Aptos creek and occasionally goes along an old logging right of way from the early 1900's. There are two stream crossings.

I first hiked to the epicenter in the early 90's. It was pouring rain and I remember taking shelter under a redwood. My memory must be faulty, or they've moved the epicenter because there weren't any big redwoods there.

It's an interesting hike and brings back memories of the earthquake.

The picture is of Donna crossing a log. I crossed the same log a few minutes before she did.

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