Saturday, September 25, 2010

Group hike to the Enchanted Pools

A group of us from work met at the Costco in Folsom and grouped into cars to take the Enchanted Pools hike. Commando and Cheyenne (Mike and Angie's dog) came along too. Unfortunately for me, I slept in until 8 or so and was scrambling to get to the meetup place. I forced everyone to stop at the MacDonalds in Placerville so I could get coffee, breakfast and lunch. Good thing I happened to have some Vitamin water in my pack or I would have been really hurting.

The weather was great. We hiked pretty slowly up because I was the only one that knew the way and the trail is indistinct in several places. The dogs got along great even around food.

Alex and his posse stayed at the lower pools which were apparently the best. The rest of us went up higher to a not so scenic area and ate lunch.

There was a grumpy couple in a good shady area. I mean, they were really grumpy. Theresa walked by and they said they had hiked 4 hours to get here and wanted to know how long we'd be there. I had to wonder where they'd hiked from to take 4 hours. I certainly understand the desire for peace and quiet, but this is a pretty popular hiking spot and there are usually many other people there. It's better to bring your peace and quiet with you instead of relying on it from outside.

We hiked back on the Tyler Lake, Rockbound, Loop trail route with little problem. Once you're there, you're actually on established trails and route finding is easy. It was a good day.

I didn't take the pictures, Wee did and they are great!

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