Thursday, September 30, 2010

Exploring Schneider Cow Camp

Hiked up to the saddle overlooking Meiss Meadows. WOW, what a view. The saddle has some nice rocks for sitting and really outstanding views. There's the whole Carson Pass area, Red Lake Peak, Stevens Peak, Elephant Back, and Round Top. There's the whole Kirkwood area including Thunder Mountain. A little bit along the ridge and there's Lake Tahoe including (maybe) Mt. Rose and (maybe) the Three Sisters. Spectacular. A bit of a rain came up as I was heading up to the top of an unnamed prominence so we headed back down. We were going to persevere, but the wind started getting colder.

As we were coming back down to the saddle two people on horseback were headed our way from the Tahoe area. Commando was quite interested although I was glad they turned off and headed into Meiss Meadows. I'm not completely convinced that Commando will act like the gentlemen he is around horses.

An older couple heading down overtook us as we were headed down. The man was way ahead and had a somewhat disagreeable dog with him named Pip. There was only barking and Commando acting a bit foolish to try and get Pip to play. Pip was extremely uninterested. I suspect he finds hiking serious business.

We stopped for a snack and water break and to watch the rain fall in this nice flat area close to the end of the hike. Commando refused water but scarfed his food down with interest. I felt a bit sorry for the hunters camped around the area. I have seldom seen fewer deer signs.

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