Friday, October 08, 2010

Best view in the Sierra Nevada

Hiked part of the way to Grouse Lake. The original plan was to hike to the Enchanted Pools and then to Lake Umpa but I changed my mind on the trail. It was getting late and as I hadn't done any research on Grouse Lake I wasn't sure how much farther we had to go. It was climb, climb, climb and an allegedly REALLY steep bit at the end. I'm glad we turned back.

Water was everywhere from the rains. Two weeks ago the terrain was parched, now, it's wet. There were puddles everywhere and snow dusting above about 8000 feet.

We stopped at the Wright's Lake boat ramp and this is one of the best views in the Sierra Nevada. The Crystal Range seems to loom over the still lake. Today, they were wreathed in clouds with some faint pink from the setting sun. A bald eagle flew over our heads clutching an enormous trout in its talons. It landed on a tree snag and scolded our presence and then flew away, still clutching the trout. Wow.

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