Saturday, April 22, 2006

Earth Day Dog Mobile

No pics of dogs this time, although Coco was the most attractive. She was a big shepherd mix with a reddish coat. Her face was the best, she had a lighter golden face with arches of brown fur over the eyes. I swear one of the early Mickey Mouses looks just like that. Adorable!

I had Roseanne, a salt and pepper Australian cattle dog mix. She was very interested in everything and wanted to be the center of attention. We worked on her sitting instead of jumping up for a treat and by the end of the day she had a nice sit. Two people asked for cards on her so I hope she gets to go home with one of them.

I found the Earth Day surprisingly interesting. There were the usual "prayer chanting" and incense burning activities. I'm sorry, smelly incense is really stupid when you're outdoors under redwood trees. How about just having some pine branches around the house if you want a nice smell. I only saw one scientific exhibit and would have liked to have seen more.

There were some capoeira dancers and that's fascinating. Only a few were really good and it seems like it's a better show for late at night during Carnival. Still, cool drumming.

By the end of the day I was wiped out and I'm relaxing with a few Aleve and trying to get hydrated.

Go dogs!

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