Sunday, November 16, 2008

Enchanted Pools

Tried to get to the enchanted pools and didn't make it. In my defense, we didn't leave till noon and it gets dark early. I also didn't have a map or compass and only my memory of looking at someone else's map to guide me. I also met some people on the trail who confirmed that if I just headed left on the faint trail off of the Twin Lakes trail and had some luck I might find them. I probably got very, very close...say, within 1/4 mile.

I'm glad I turned back when I did because it was almost completely dark when I got back to the car. There was just enough light to see the beautiful Crystal Range reflected in the mirror still Wright's Lake with a tiny campfire across the lake and an early star over Mt. Price to add extra charm to the scene.

It was an excellent hike over awesome granite slabs with some stream crossings and a waterfall. I could hear a bigger stream at the place I stopped in a steep canyon below (probably the source of the pools) but it was getting late.

As usual, Commando enjoyed running around like a fiend. We only met 4 people. Three in a group at the beginning, and 1 guy who came up behind me on the way back. He'd been at Grouse Lake.

I wanted to try again today, but I was more tired than I expected and so I lazed at home with a small trip out to get a new ear piece.

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