Sunday, November 09, 2008

Snow 2008!

Drove up to Wright's Lake again, this time via the partially paved Granite Springs road. The weather was overcast but clearing up and the recent storms hadn't dumped too much snow so I figured the roads would be driveable and they were.

The forest service had been clearing the forest all season and with the start of rain and snow we drove past dozens of burning slash piles. I was surprised at how much heat those piles create!

Wright's Lake was more overcast than the rest of the area as Commando and I headed out on the short 1.5 mile loop trail. I had brought my snow shoes, but as the snow was only a few inches, I didn't wear them.

It was quiet with only two sets of human tracks. We met the couple and their two dogs about 5 minutes from starting out. They had two. The dogs exchanged pleasantries and we each headed our separate ways. I was glad to be able to follow their footprints in case I lost the trail.

Well, they weren't very good at route finding as it turned out. After a very short climb, their print stopped when the "trail" did at one of the cabins and they had looped back on an alternate route. I pressed on a bit into the brush, but it was obvious that there was no trail.

I backtracked to the flat land and started ahead at the most recent "Loop Trail" sign. I kept looking, but no other sign. I took a side road (snowed over) that went in the right direction. We passed a few more cabins and then some signs saying that vehicles couldn't pass.

I could see one set of human tracks from the weekend before, that had been snowed over. I could also see what looked like a trail, if I were a heavily travelled trail covered with a few inches of snow.

Still no "Loop Trail" signs but the route looked good. There were some orange markers nailed to some trees, and signs in different directions saying "Horses" and "No Horses" at a large clearing. The horse trail didn't look very well used.

I was just starting to get a little worried that I might have to backtrack when we finally encountered the trail junctions to Rockbound Lakes and Twin Lakes. A bit down from here I sat on a cozy rock, ate my snack and drank some water. There is a spectacular meadow above the lake with Silver Creek running through it. The creek is very still with little current (usually!) and someday I'll have to bring my kayak up.

We continued onward and as we neared the cabins on this side of the lake there were fresh footprints again. The sky cleared up a bit and I thought maybe Red Peak might show up.

Back at the car Commando got to run around with a beautiful red hound dog pup. Great end to the day!

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