Saturday, June 03, 2006

Long drive to Grover Hot Springs

Took Friday off work after deciding it had been too many days since I'd been over 5000 feet! Drove over Highway 4 and Ebbetts Pass. The snow is still very high although it's melting fast!

There's a short (3 miles round trip) hike to some falls at Grover Hot Spring SP which is very pleasant. I saw a juvenile blond bear within a 1/2 mile of the start. I'm not completely sure what size bears are when they leave their mothers so I spent some time scanning the forest for a protective mama. Once the teenager spied me though she scampered away as fast as her bear legs could go (which is pretty fast!). On the way back saw 3 deer.

The drive home was long but saw plenty of the gold country and spied a few places to hike (or kayak) this summer.

1 comment:

Tom Spaulding said...

How cool! In all the miles I've hiked, I've yet to encounter a bear.